
Accountant by day, homemaker by night, and writer anytime in between. After countless interruptions and detours, I’m finally digging out my novel from the bottom of my priority list and putting it right at the top. Okay, not at the tippy top. That’s where my son goes – but it’s up there.

Definitely in the top five. Easily beats out exercising, eating better, and laundry.

I started writing over fifteen years ago on a Harry Potter RPG. Because I was cool like that. I should have known that gateway drug of literature would get me instantly hooked. The escapism and power of creation that writing offers is what drives my passion even today. To create a person, or even a world, out of nothing. To move a reader to tears through their imagination. To immortalize yourself in text and transcend time itself.

I’m getting goosebumps just thinking about it.

When I’m not fiddling with spreadsheets at work, you’ll often find me outside my Western Washington home looking at bugs and flowers with my son. Or rocks. We love some nice rocks around here. Aside from writing and singing silly songs, I enjoy going on mountain adventures with my family, working on my garden, taking my dogs for a walk, pretending to be Joanna Gaines as I work on my next home improvement project, or baking something to satisfy my sweet tooth.

Only once the little guy is asleep and the chores are done do I get down to working on my manuscript. No write-a-thons or 10k word days for this lady. Or Nanowrimo. Just mentioning it makes my husband nervous. My daily writing goal of five hundred words a day doesn’t seem like much, but Rome wasn’t built in a day. Slow and steady wins the race. There’s only one way to eat an elephant.

You get the idea.