Project Pantheon

Twelve Olympian, the greatest of the Greek Pantheon, ruled over heaven and earth and presided over every aspect of human life. Though divine, they were by no means perfect. Each had great loves and even greater acts of wrath.

In an exploration of these myths, join me as I write a series of short stories, each focusing on one of the Olympians and adding my own twist.

So what’s the deal with this project?

I’m so excited you asked!

Every three months I’ll be researching, outlining, drafting, and sharing a short story.

I’ll be sharing my progress for each story in monthly increments via YouTube videos and accompanying blog posts. Those who tune in will get an opportunity to learn about the deity I’ve chosen to write about, an inside look into the research and brainstorming process I use, and a taste of what the end product will be.

But Eloise, a taste isn’t enough for me. I need the whole thing

Those of you who decide to subscribe to my newsletter will not only get insights before everyone else, you’ll also get exclusive access to the finished work. You read that right. While I’ll be sharing the first few hundred words with everyone, my newsletter subscribers will be the only ones who have the delight of reading the completed story.

Are you as jazzed as I am for this project? Probably not, but I’m sure you can get really close.